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Farmers Protest Over Milk Prices
by Unknown - 0

Fresh protests have taken place by Dairy Farmers over the price of Milk in some parts of the UK. Farmers cleaned out supermarket shelves of any and all milk that was in stock in an act of defiance over what they are paid. Now while i am all for people having their right to protest it is not acceptable to go to the lengths of cleaning out stores of an essential product. Protest by all means but don't stoop so low as to become so petulant and childish.

I sympathise with Dairy Farmers on many things, and i agree they should be paid a fair price for their product but the simple fact is this, supply is far greater than demand and its for this reason the price paid to farmers remains so low.

At current rates Dairy Farmers are paid 15p per litre but it costs 24p a litre to make and so i understand their frustration and their upset over what they are paid but the simple fact is this just isn't going to change any time soon especially when the supply is so great. You only have to look at another essential product we use almost daily and that's fuel. The price of Brent Crude was well over $110 a barrel in July 2014 now its hit its lowest price ever at just under $50 a barrel and the reason is the same as it is for Dairy Farmers, supply is drowning demand and while it does this it will keep the price low.

Sadly this is not something that is shared amongst the Dairy Farmers community and i fear they don't understand why the price is so low. No one in their right mind is going to pay any more than they have to for a product. If the retailers can get it as cheap as possible then they will buy it as cheap as possible.

If Dairy Farmers are so fed up with the price they are paid they have an option and that option is to produce and sell their end product themselves. That way they can then charge what they want for their product and go into competition with other Dairy Farmers, but it has risks and those risks are what they currently face now and that's being out priced and then driven out of business.

Sadly while the supply of Milk outstrips demand the price paid to those who supply it will remain low, its the same for Brent Crude and that's expected to go even lower than it is now.

I sympathise with Dairy Farmers, they are getting a raw deal their is no doubt about it, but the moment they resorted to the bulk purchasing of their product just to then give it away for free is simply nonsensical. They have proved that they are only too willing to go to childish levels to prove a point. And the fact is they are still getting paid the same if they buy it or the public buys it. It made no sense what so ever.

Sadly in the business world things like this happen, i agree its not nice but its just a fact of business, some times you have a great period and some times you have a poor period. Being in business means you have to diversify, you have to offer more than one product to ensure your business is successful. Business cant survive on offering just one product when other businesses are offering several products, its only a matter of time before you end up being left by the way side and being buried by your competition.

Dairy Farmers, i sympathise with you and your struggles but you went about making your point the wrong way, instead you took a childish route and one that didn't help your cause in any way shape or form, instead your stunt only helped to push the profits of the companies you have your issues with further and are still paid the same price as it would have been if it had been the general public. Add into this the shelves would have been restocked within hours and the so called disruption you hoped to create would have only lasted a couple of hours at best.

Sadly, you have lost my empathy for your cause but have still managed to keep my sympathy, to ensure you don't loose both from the rest of the country, act a little more adult and don't stoop to such childish levels to try and prove a point.

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