So, many a moon ago The Shield burst on to our screens and boy what an impact they made. Follow them on further and we would see a face change from heel to baby face that was far too short lived.
With The Hounds of Justice being torn apart so soon after becoming faces it has lead to one of the most dragged on story lines iv known. The Authority.
Don't get me wrong its been a great platform for Rollins, but the whole idea has become stale and is struggling to keep me engaged. With Payback round the corner (literally its tomorrow) many are looking to see what Orton will do. Will he remain face and over with the crowd or will he return to his heel past and align once more with The Authority. Either way it could send us in one of two directions, if Orton remains face we will still have to contend with an Authority storyline for a while longer a storyline that has become stale and mouldy and no longer relevant. The Authority story line should have been ended at WM31 by Sting, but once again someone at Creative thought better.
If Orton does realign once again to his heel past and re-joins the Authority we could see Rollins retain his title and this could lead to a reunification of The Shield, in that this was their plan all along from the day they split, in that they wormed their way in and took the authorities most coveted prize.
This could then set up a new story line where we see the Beast incarnate Brock Lesnar return and align with the authority, but to get the title back they would have to go through The Shield. This is where the storyline could falter because of Creative. The Shield must be made to be the dominant force in WWE by not just having one member with the WWE WHC, but have Ambrose as the IC Champion and Reigns as the US Champion or vice versa. I'm not yet convinced that Ambrose or Reigns are ready for a sting as the WWE WH Champion, and so would be better served gaining more ring time with a more modest title that needs to be reinvigorated and having these two as champions would do that by the bucket load.
Of course, this is all in an ideal world where Creative are actually being creative with their storylines. And this is why i believe that it truly is the right time and “What's best for business” in reunifying The Shield and giving them the babyface story line and run they rightly deserved and that was so viciously ripped from them and the fans. They were just getting started when the change was made and it was a poor poor choice to make by Creative.
I would love to see The Shield back together once more, this time to destroy The Authority once and for all. It could even lead to a new type of match, a triple title threat match, in that if any member of The Shield retains their title this leads to the Authority being removed for good, and should all three loose their titles, then sadly my fellow WWE Maniacs, we will have to endure yet even longer with the Authority.
Just my thoughts of course, tell me what you think and get involved with the discussion below.
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