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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - Review
by Unknown - 0


I’ve been a fan of the Call of Duty franchise since its debut but i cant help but feel its becoming a bit of a disappointment with the release of every title.
This instalment is billed as a first person military sci-fi war thriller published by Activision. Sledgehammer Games developed the Microsoft Windows, PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game while High Moon Studios developed the versions released for the PS3 and Xbox 360, and Raven Software developed the games Multiplayer and the Exo-Zombies mode. It transpires that this is the final Call of Duty game released for the seventh generation of video game consoles, take that how you will but i suspect we wont be seeing any more Call of Duty titles apart from the new release by Trey Arch of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 which has a slated release date for November 2015, after this its any ones guess as to if we will see a new Call of Duty or not.
Take the latest instalment, Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare. Don't get me wrong its a good game but it lacks in so many ways its unreal. I'm a total sod for completing games far too quickly for my own good sometimes and there was no exception to this at all.
I had this game completed on the normal difficulty setting within 2 days, no doubt on the harder difficulties this would have taken me a lot longer but on the normal level i don't expect to finish a game so quickly. And there in lies the problem, Call of Duty’s gameplay is far far too short. By the time you are getting into the game its practically over and done with. What happened to the game taking days nearly weeks to finish i want a game that takes nearly two weeks to complete, i want sub plots and sub stories hell ill even go as far as tertiary stories and plots. Kevin Spacey as Johnathan Irons CEO of the Atlas Coproration
That aside the games mechanics are flawless and certainly in the case of the cut scenes that actually almost pass off as real life. But the game still sticks to the safety of the past and it lets it down. Its the same old story in that a mad man holds America (and the rest of the world) to ransom, but this time the games maker has gone all out and brought in Kevin Spacey to act the lead mad man, Jonathan Irons. Irons is the head of a new and dominating private security firm Atlas. What appears to be an ally at first turns out to be the opposite as you progress through the games 15 missions.
There have been some very good upgrades to this title, the most notable to me was no more Heads Up Display (HUD) instead this time round you get everything in holographic from from the weapon you are currently armed with, which looks great and performs flawlessly. With new weapons added the best of them all has to be the Threat Grenades. Able to lock on to your enemy and then rocket propel themselves forward will have you jaw dropped and giggling like a school girl, however its not enough for me to win me over entirely.
Call-of-Duty-Advanced-Warfare5-5-2014-2Sadly with the addition of new weaponry and gadgets you only get to use them when the game says you can, and this is where the game comes undone again, in that you are strictly moved through the game and have to stick to the story line to play with new toys. Towards the end of the single player campaign you will get to play in one of what i think is the coolest vehicles iv seen in a long time, the XS1 Goliath or AST. The AST is an advanced manually piloted mechanized suit of advanced armour that you get to see walking around but only get to use at the very end of the game, which again for me causes disappointment in that i only get a short period of time to play with a new toy.
From reading other reviews i can understand entirely why its being scored so high, but for me i don't think it warrants a score any higher than 4 out of five or 7 out of ten, its just the same game reheated and served again with some tweaks to make it look a bit different. For me Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare feels like iv traded in my old 2003 fiesta for a 2013 one, ok you get some new toys to play with but fundamentally its still a Fiesta however you look at it and sadly this is the case with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
Eye popping graphics and lifelike cut scenes and new toys warrant giving this a try but not one to keep but instead play it until a title comes out that you really want and then trade it in at the earliest opportunity. With the game still sticking to its safe formula it again feels rather bland and boring in that it sticks to the same story line and only allows you to do what you want when the games strict storyline allows you too, making you finish the game in rapid time and leaving you wanting more.
Addiction Score – 6/10

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