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Windows 10 - Yay or Nay?
by Unknown - 0

So Windows 10 has was recently released on the 29th June and so far to date nearly 14 million devices have been updated to the new OS. But the question many have asked me is, is it worth upgrading or not?

I can only answer that in two parts, firstly if you are currently using a PC or Laptop on an OS less than Windows 7 then yes i would most certainly upgrade to Windows 10. Simply for the fact that if your system is capable of running the new OS then its a no brainer to do so. However the only catching point is you may have to pay for the upgrade as Windows 10 is only free to eligible systems running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and higher and your current OS must be genuine in order to qualify for the upgrade.

If your system isn't eligible and isn't capable of running Microsoft's new OS then i would strongly urge you to replace your current system simply due to the fact that computers today are more affordable than ever. Also Windows XP was launched in 2001 and Vista in 2006 so if you are still using a device on either of these OS its time to retire them and buy a new system in which you can then upgrade to Windows 10.

From what i have read it appears Windows 10 will not be pre-installed on new machines and will require the user to do it themselves or pay a fee for it to be installed however some outlets may do this for free as part of the set up service but check to make sure.

The other answer is as you would have guessed would be no. Simply put if you are running Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 i don't see the need to jump to the new OS just yet and would probably wait a couple of months for the main bugs to be ironed out and allow the new OS to get a good running in first. Of course if you simply cant wait then by all means you can upgrade at any time for free. You can only get the upgrade for free if you have a genuine copy of Windows 7 SP1, 8 or 8,1 and if your current system can support the new OS. Generally speaking if you have a machine that is running the above OS then you shouldn't run in to any problems upgrading to Windows 10.

To upgrade your system you can do it one of two way's, the first is Microsoft's way. This method allows you to reserve your copy of Windows 10 and once available it will download in the background and then alert you to install it once its downloaded. This means you can rest easy knowing that once its available for you it will take care of its self. The only downside is you could be waiting a while with some people waiting up to nearly a week after launch and its expected that some may be waiting as long as a month.

The second option is for you to do it yourself. You can use Microsoft's new download page, click here to go to the page. Once there you can download the tool to get started this will ask you if you want to upgrade the system you are on or create media to install it on another machine or create media as a backup in case you want to do a fresh install on your own system.

So far the Windows 10 is for me living up to its hype there is no doubt that this new OS is worth it. Vastly improved and much faster you will feel right at home with Microsoft's new and improved OS.

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