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The Island
by Unknown - 0

So we have a new season of The Island that started tonight on Channel 4 and it wasnt long before there were tensions amongst the tribesmen.

We started off with Bear dropping off 14 men on an uninhabited island in the Archipelago. Once near shore all 14 men had to swim fully clothed with al of their equipment and belongings. Some struggled with the swim but were helped along by the more stronger swimmers. At this point i felt we had a good start to the series with the men showing solidarity from the get go.

Sadly that solidarity would be short lived, with the men bickering and arguing from an early start. With the men agreeing to move in land to find a place to call home, Building contract manager Paul lead the way and to much backlash from the other members of the group. However in this instance i can see why the decision was made to get to a beach landing. For one it offers a good starting point for food, secondly there is always a massive amount of sea trash washed up ashore including drift wood all of which is useful to build shelters with, start fires and collect water with the various canteens and bottles. But it has a major impact, the island is dense with unbroken forest and energy sapping mangroves. While the tribe will use vital energy to get to the beach i still feel it was the right decision to make and in any case being near the Islands natural resources will make life easier for the tribe.

Moving on from here, the tribe had an uncomfortable night with no shelter to keep them warm and comfortable it was a sleepless night for the majority with the men up at 0430am.

As we progressed through the program it was becoming clear who the Alpha males were and the ones who had bitten off more than they could possibly chew.
Graphic Designer Joe is the youngest of the tribe and has very little travelling experience. This was evident as only three days into the experience he was already thinking of going home. Persuaded to stay another 24 hours it wasnt long before he was causing issues and made Family man Vic feel rather alienated and somewhat deflated in the fact he did all he could to help the young Joe with his feelings and emotions and tried to get him involved in tribe life to take his mind off of things. 

Suffice to say Joe has now painted a target on his back and has made himself out to be a totaly disrespectul oike. If im honest i doubt seeing him last very long in this experience and at this stage i would prefer him to just go home and end his experience now. Sadly it seems this young lad has decided to take on this challenge to impress his long term partner of 5 years. It seems he forgot the fundamental part of what this show is about and what to expect.

Sadly the infighting doesn't stop here, Paul and Andy got into a spat over a few things but most notably it was down to what was the best way to build a shelter and the best site selection. Regrettably Andy lost on every count, firstly selecting a site that would flood with the tidal surge and would render the tribe being eaten alive by all sorts of critters. This obviously put Andy in a mood and he sulked off. 

When it came down to it Paul had the best site selection and the best strategy of how to construct the new shelter much to the dislike of Joe who was whining that he had to go up a hill to deliver the required resource and sadly couldn't grasp why it was built on high ground, im sure he will get it eventually when he stops thinking about his partner for more than a second.

Moving on from this the camp descended into chaos, with Andy and Paul at eachothers throats it was inevitable that heated words would be exchanged and sadly Paul overheard Andy say “If he goes even better” which as you can appreciate would irk me to be honest. If any one needs to leave the Island it would have to be Andy for me. This is clearly not the place for him to be and is not the sort of experience i see him thriving in.

As the show closed out it ended with the tribe in crisis talks to try to quell the discontent between the tribes men who wished to leave the experiment. Out of the three who wish to leave, those being Paul, Andy and Joe, two certainly do need to go and should never have even bothered to sign up for the experiment in the first place. Those two being Andy & Joe.

At the moment Joe is not in the right frame of mind, he is a young lad of 22 and has in my opinion very little life experience. This is evident from the fact that he has not gone more than 24 hours of no contact with his long term partner of 5 years, and this is certainly his weak point, his kryptonite should i say. He isnt going to last if he cant get his mind off of home and on to the task in hand. Yes i know its hard to be away from your loved ones for long periods of time, iv been there myself on several occasions during my military service. 6 months plus in hostile environments and countries you know little about, with a very reduced level of home comforts, yes i was trained to go away but sadly there is no training to help prepare you for the fact you wont see your loved ones for months on end, Joe is only going to be away for 6 weeks. If he’s struggling now to manage these feelings and refuses to take the help from his fellow tribesmen he will set him self up for certain failure. I hold little to no confidence in Joe at this point and predict that he will leave the experiment in the coming days.

Andy is simply put a lazy and arrogant man. With little to no respect for any one but himself. There is no room for people like this in the camp, and people like this only do one thing and infect negativity to every one. Yes i know he is tired, so is every one else. Pointing the finger of blame to others for getting some rest and some sleep is hypocrisy to the ninth degree when he took himself off on his own to get some sleep. Not only could he have been washed out to see but there are many predators on the island who would like a nice meal of human. A builder he professes to be, but in his site selection for the camp this was just proven not to be the case. If he cant accept the stark fact that people will disagree with him over his decisions and goes off in a sulk he is going to alienate himself from the group quickly and at this point it seems definite that he is going to leave the experiment. I feel this is the right decision for the camp dynamic and upon his departure the tribe may be able to get things done more quickly and the amount of bickering will reduce.

At this juncture the first episode has got me hooked again just as the first series did. This time it seems the production team have placed a much broader range of people in to the mix this time. With two builders (or soon to be one) a paramedic and a doctor the tribe are set up in the best possible way they could be. But they must stop this infighting now or risk deep fractures within the group that could derail them permanently.

Switching gears now, i read an article that stated the Island is sexist. I fail to understand how it is perceived as such in any way shape or form. Those whom perceive it in such way are blinded to what the program is trying to show. This has nothing to do with which sex is the strongest or best at this that or the other, its trying to see if male and female groups could survive in such a situation and how they would do so. The first series was based around how a group of men would manage in a survival situation, there was no dynamic around women and it wasn't aimed at excluding them it was just that the experiment was built on around how men would survive. This series we now have two tribes a male and female tribe so to say the show is still sexist is a little bit hard to defend. There is no difference in having two tribes of male and females and having one tribe thats mixed no difference at all, both male and female are still doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. We need to get away from this whole idea that men make women inferior and vice versa as its a load of rubbish. Im not saying sexism doenst happen it certainly does but please dont try to make out that sexism is happening when it clearly is not.

Lastly i want to go into food sources. There were many complaints made to Ofcom during the last series in regards to Caiman crocodiles. Yes a croc was killed and eaten on the show and yes the killing was shown as well. I have to say the young lad who dispatched the animal did so with massive dignity and speed that the animal wouldn't have been in any pain at all. The problem we have today is far far too many people are seeing animals as something that needs to be protected but at the same time used for food. You cant have both im afraid. We have also become very very sensitive to the slaughter of animals as well for the preparation of food. Im sorry you feel offended by this but sadly you must realise that the Lamb, Beef, Pork, Rabbit etc that you have on your plates regularly didn't just turn up in that plastic packaging on the shelf magically, it was an animal that was born and bred for the sole purpose of feeding us. Its a simple fact of the food chain, we sit at the top and we eat all those below us. I know that twitter will explode when an animal is killed, such as a croc and it is going to happen. But think of the fish or the bird or the insect, they are all living creatures and we should remember its all part of the food chain.

There was talk by some that they wanted the guys who killed the croc in the first series to be prosecuted for killing the animal. What an utter load of baloney. I have no idea what goes on in these peoples heads but i really do wonder how long they would last if they were faced with such an event. If im honest they wouldn't last long in any case as they would want every one who ate an insect shot at dawn. Its ridiculous. If you are so offended by the mere sight of an animal being killed for food, then id suggest we all become vegetarian and let all the lambs and cows and all the chickens and fish live in peace. We are born as carnivores, we are not born as vegans its a simple fact of life. We eat meat, meat must come from somewhere, if thats a cow or a lamb or a chicken so be it, its food thats how we should look at these animals, they are a source of food and some even provide more than just meat.

All i will say is this, if you moan about the killing of an animal on a survival show i would seriously ask yourself the question, would i survive in the same situation and do i need to wake up a realise this happens every day without me even knowing about it?
Im looking forward to the womens Island tomorrow, as ive already seen how things are going to play out with one woman screeching at the site of a snake. I wait with anticipation for tomorrow nights show.

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