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WWE Battleground - Full Review
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Tonight WWE Battleground comes to you live from St Louis, Missouri. Check back here for live updates of the nights action and get involved in the comments below.


King Barrett vs R-Truth

This match will decide who holds the Crown will Barrett retain or will he be usurped by R-Truth?

Truth takes an early lead and the first pin fall attempt with a snap mare take down but only manages a two count. The action spills to the outside of the ring. Barrett tries for a pin fall but only manages a two count as we head to a commercial break.
Back from the commercial break we pick up the action with Barrett in control but Truth soon takes the advantage. Barrett locks Truth up in the ropes and sends him spilling to the floor. Barrett then tries for a pin fall but manages a 2 count only.

Truth picks up the momentum with a spinning heel kick to Barrett, with a follow up of a scissors kick which is countered by Barrett. However Truth counters to land a Scissors kick for a pin attempt but manages only a 2 count.

Barrett manages to regain the momentum and lands a Bull hammer to take the Pin fall victory and retain his crown.

Going forward this may harm Barrett more the longer this king gimmick continues. If R-Truth had taken victory it would have elevated both Barrett and Truth in that Barrett would have dropped a rather limiting gimmick allowing him to move forward while elevating Truth to better prominence.


Here we go, the 3rd Edition of WWE Battleground live from St Louis, Missouri. Follow the action live as we bring you match results and live updates as it happens. Check back for regular updates and get involved in the comments below.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

Up first we have Seamus going up against the Viper, Randy Orton.

Sheamus takes the early lead but is soon out witted by the Apex Predator. As the action spills out side the ring, Orton launches the Celtic Warrior into the barricade sending him toppling to the floor. Both men trade blows in the centre of the ring, Sheamus takes the advantage and lands an Irish Curse Backbreaker. He then goes on to land 2 more to take control.

Orton tries to gain some momentum but its stopped in his tracks with a knee to the midsection sending Orton reeling to the mat. Sheamus lands a flying knee and manages only a 2 count.

Sheamus launches Orton into the corner and counters an incoming Sheamus who is sent flying into the ring post. Both men trade blows against each other and Orton sends Sheamus to tumbling out of the ring. Orton lands Sheamus on the announce table.

As both men return to the ring Orton lands a powerslam and manages a 2 count. Sheamus tries to lock Orton up on the ropes for Beats of the Baldroun but Orton manges to counter only to land into a neck pull down to the top rope.

Sheamus tries for the Brogue Kick but is countered, Orton tries to land an RKO but is countered also, Sheamus then tries the Cloverleaf but Orton breaks out, However Sheamus manages to land White noise to take control again.

Sheamus manages to land a Brogue kick to then lock Orton up in the Cloverleaf, Orton manages to get to the bottom ropes to break the hold and manages an RKO to take the win with a 3 count.

New Day vs Prime Time Players - WWE Tag Team Championship

Kicking off the match Darren Young and Kofi Kingston. Young takes the advantage over Kingston landing a swinging neckbreaker to then tag in Titus O'Neil who quickly dominates his opponent Kingston with brutal slaps to the chest.

Kingston tags in Big E Langston, O'Neil takes advantage early and tages in Young but Langston takes the momentum and launches Young over the ring post with devastating force.

Langston and Kingston begin a round robin assault on Young keeping him away from his comrade O'Neil preventing him from tagging in. Langston lands a big splash to young on the apron and locks him up in the middle of the ring.

Young counters Kingston to land knees to the chest and then tags in O'Neil who lands Clash of the Titus to Langston to take the pin fall and retain the Tag Team Championship.

Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt

Both men lock up and trade momentum with Wyatt taking the lead however Reigns regains the upper hand and lands big punches to Wyatt in the corner.

Reigns lands big punches to Wyatt in the corner from the second rope, Wyatt breaks free but Reigns brings him back in again to keep up the momentum. Wyatt tries to regain control as he takes Reigns to the mat.

Wyatt moves the opposite corner but Reigns follows to land a splash in the corner and pulls Wyatt into a massive standing clothes line. Reigns then goes to land a Samoan drop to Wyatt. Reigns leaves the ring to try for a flying apron kick but is met with Wyatt countering him into the steel steps.

Wyatt takes control of the match landing heavy hits to Reigns in the corner. Reigns tries to counter but Wyatt sees it coming and launches him out of the ring. Both men are on the Apron trading blows as Wyatt takes the advantage landing a DDT to Reigns.

Wyatt locks up Reigns with a Sleeper hold in the middle of the Ring. Reigns begins his comeback from the edge of submission, with both men to their feet Wyatt launches Reigns back the canvas to regain the upper hand.

Reigns manages to break the hold and takes the lead firing against Wyatt on all cylinders, Reigns went for the drive by flying kick but Wyatt lands a hellish clothesline to stop Reigns in his tracks. Wyatt tries for a cover but manages only a 2 count.

Wyatt locks up Reigns in the Corner, Reigns manages to counter with a powerbomb to Wyatt and manages a 2 count. Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch but Wyatt tries to counter with Sister Abigail but manages to counter. Reigns finally lands the Flying kick, both men in the ring Wyatt lands a massive powerslam to Reigns and manages a 2 count.

Wyatt tries for Sister Abigail once more, Reigns counters with a role up pin attempt but Wyatt kicks out giving Reigns the chance to land a Superman Punch Reigns manages a 2 count only. Reigns sets up for a Spear but runs into a boot from Wyatt, As Reigns tries again Wyatt lands a wicked clothesline knocking Reigns for six in his tracks.

Wyatt sets up for Sister Abigail again but fails to capitalise allowing Reigns to break free, Both men trade headbutts between each other Reigns gains the upper hand, with both men on the outside Reigns is launched into the ring post by Luke Harper allowing Wyatt to land Sister Abigail to take the pinfall victory.

Divas Triple Threat Match - Brie Bella vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte Flair

All three women trade blows with Sasha Banks taking the upper hand. After Charlotte Flair drops Brie Bella out of the ring Banks and Flair go at it with Banks taking the momentum. Banks then sets up Brie on the post and lands Flair into the mix with a devastating collapsing knee to Brie which takes out Flair in the process.

Brie and Banks go at it trading blows only to be cut short by Flair with a double clothes line. Flair takes control of Banks and lands a reverse neck breaker, With Banks in the corner Flair tries to keep the momentum going but is met with a swift boot to the face from Banks.

Brie sets up both Banks and Flair and lands simultaneous kicks to the mid-section reminiscent of Daniel Bryan. Flair tries to counter but Brie slaps her down.

Banks takes control again and manages to gain a 2 count on Flair. When both women regain their footing they are hit with a Double missile drop kick from Brie.

Brie now takes control but is short lived as she is dumped out of the ring by Banks.

Banks then throws herself through the ropes to land on her opponents out side the ring, with Flair following up over the top ropes.

Banks locks up the BankStatement on Flair but is short lived as Brie returns to break the hold and dump Banks on the outside for the ring. Brie tries to gain control but is countered by Flair and is locked up in the Figure8 making the Bella twin tap out.

John Cena vs Kevin Owens - United States Championship

Cena comes out to a great pop, better than i have heard in a long time, Owens comes out to moderate chants but mostly boos.

Both men lock up trading headlock for headlock, Cena manages to break the hold but Owens stuns Cena with a firm punch to the gird and allows Owens to take the upper hand.

Owens lands a spinning splash and gains a 2 count. Cena tries to regain with some shoulder tackles but is cut short again by Owens.

Cena lands a big leg drop to Owens and manages a 2 count but Owens powers out. Cena sets up for the AA but is countered by Owens with a DDT and manages a 2 count.

Cena tries for a 5 Knuckle shuffle but is countered, Owens then mocks Cena from the Apron. Owens then lands the signature shoulder tackles of Cena to lead into a 5 Knuckle shuffle by Owens. Cena sets up Owens high and lands him face first and into the STF Owens manages to break the hold and counters Cena.

Cena lands an incredible Swingthrough powerbomb and manages a 2 count. Cena goes to the top ropes for another leg drop but Owens counters with a mid air powerbomb. Cena then takes the upper hand again and lands the AA for a 2 count.

Owens mocks Cena with Cena's own moves landing an AA to the champ to then lock him up in the STF. Cena crawls to the ropes and manages to break the hold.

Cena lands a spinning DDT from the top rope and manages a 2 count. Cena then tries for a Spring Board Stunner but Owens manges to rebound off the ropes and take Cena down with wicked clothesline.

Owens tries for a PopUp PowerBomb but Cena counters and lands an AA and manages a 2 count. Owens then lands a PopUp PowerBomb and only manages a 2 count.

Cena lands a top rope AA but Owens kicks out after a close 2 count. With Owens almost spent he tries a roll up pin but Cena counters and locks in the STF to take the victory by submission.

Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar - WWE World Heavy Weight Championship. 

As the match kicks off Lesnar takes the charging lead, delivering Suplex after Suplex to Rollins. The crowd are wild tonight in St Louis and they are loving the beating by Brock.

Rollins makes for the timekeepers area and recovers his title and tries to make off but Brock is hot on his heels volting the barrier and catching Rollins sending him hurtling over the barricade back to the ring, Brock regains Rollins in the ring and delivers yet another Suplex.

Rollins manages to take some control and chops Brock down bit by bit landing super kick after super kick eventually spilling Brock out of the ring, the upper hand is short lived however and Brock is soon back on the offensive.

Another suplex with no release and another and another and another. Rollins is being punished here tonight by the Beast. This reminds me of Reigns and Brock at WM31.


Taker lands a low blow and delivers a massive Chokeslam to set up for a Tombstone PileDriver to Lesnar.

This match is over its done, The Deadman has risen and he has exacted his vengance against the Beast.

Well thats it for this edition of Battleground. I hope you enjoyed following along and i hope you get involved in the comments and share your views. More to come soon so check back regularly for further updates.


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