Former MP George Galloway, has announced he has started legal proceedings challenging his general election defeat to Labour’s Naz Shah.
Mr Galloway alleges that Ms Shah made “False statements” and has also claimed “widespread malpractice”.
A Labour spokesman has dismissed the allegations made by Mr Galloway as “pathetic and without any foundation”.
Now, lets look at this with a lot less political agenda and a bit more human viewing shall we. Mr Galloway has always been known to cause controversy, and i liken him to a male version of Katie Hopkins at times as well. Needless to say this saga comes across as him being a rather sore looser and that he is incapable of being gracious in defeat.
There have been many issues between Labour and Respect, most of which is pertaining to Ms Shah’s family background which i find hard to believe has anything to do with the election, and find that its just a way for Galloway to worm his way back into Parliament in a very dirty manner.
A spokesman for Respect made a statement that “legal action was at an early stage” well it would have to be seeing as its just been filled, why do these spokesperson state the obvious every time? Get to the point in hand.
Respect say that a complaint has been made under section 106 of the Representation of the People Act 1983, which relates to candidates making false statements during campaigns. In a further statement Mr Galloway, himself a former Labour MP, said “it has come to my attention that there has been widespread malpractice in this election, particularly over the postal voting” well of course there would have to have been George seeing as you lost not to a small majority but to a rather large majority of 11,000 people.
The simple fact here is Mr Galloway is for all intent and purpose a sore looser. He was booted out by the electorate by an 11.000 majority, deal with it. You don't see the likes of Ed Balls, Jim Murphy or Douglas Alexander running off telling tales because they lost, no they took the result as it was delivered and as it was made by the electorate.
This will all end in tears for Mr Galloway, who was reported to police for sending a Tweet about the exit poll results before voting had closed at 2200 BST, to which his spokesman regarded as a “storm in a thimble” is this perhaps the real reason why Galloway has made his so called complaint? I suspect so, and if this is the case he should be barred from standing as an MP and prevented from running in any form of election again.
Simply put, Grow up George, this isn't the school yard now and this is the real world, the people of Bradford West didn't like you, or you policies and so they voted to boot you out entirely and elect a fresh face with better policies and ideals than you. The people have spoken, accept the fact you lost and have some respect for you and the people of Bradford West in that they chose to remove you.
All in all, i cant see this amounting to much, it will take weeks if not months for Respect to prepare their legal case, and then months for it to be heard or tried by which we will already be in a second year of government any way.
Politicians who act like this should be barred from being a politician. Making derogatory remarks about a fellow candidate is poor form and shows a lack of respect entirely.
Mr Galloway, you may not read this, but should you do so take it from me you are nothing more than a sore looser.
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